Wednesday, November 5, 2008

baby animal and collective names

Did you know a Baby Lion is called a Cub? And a group of chicken is called a flock? Here are more names to add to your collection.

Animal Male Female Young As a group
Antelope Bull Cow Calf Herd

Bear Boar Sow Cub Sloth

Cat Tom Queen Kitten Clowder

Cattle Bull Cow Calf Herd/Drove.

Chicken Cock/Rooster Hen Chick Flock

Deer Buck/Hart/Stag. Doe/Hind Fawn Herd.

Dog Dog Bitch pup Kennel.

Donkey Jackass Jeneet/Jenny foal/colt Pace.

Elephant Bull Cow Calf Herd.

Fox Dog Vixen Cub Skulk.

Giraffe Bull Cow Calf Herd.

Goat Billy/Buck Nanny/Doe Kid Herd.

Goose Gander Goose Gosling Flock/Gaggle.

Horse Stallion Mare foalt/colt(male)/filly(female) Herd.

Kangaroo Buck/Boomer Doe/flier joey Herd/troop/mob.

Lion Lion Lioness Cub Pride.

Ostrich Cock Hen Chick flock/troop.

Pig Boar Sow shoat/farrow/piglet. herd/drove/sounder.

Rabbit Buck Doe Kindle/kitten. Warren.

Rat Buck Doe ******* Colony.

Seal Bull Cow pup/whelp rookery/trip.

Sheep Ram Ewe Lamb flock

Swan Cob pen cygnet flock

Turkey Cock/gobbler/tom hen poult dule

Whale Bull cow calf school/pod

Zebra Stallion mare foal herd.

Collective names of animals

A herd of antelope
A colony or an army of ants
A shrewdness of apes
A herd or pace of asses
A culture of bacteria
A cete of badgers
A shoal of bass
A sleuth or sloth of bears
A colony of beavers
A swarm, grist or hive of bees
A flock, flight, congregation or volery of birds
A sedge or siege of bitterns
A sounder of boars
A herd of buffalo
A brace or clash of bucks
An army of caterpillars
A clowder or clutter of cats
A herd or drove of cattle
A brood or peep of chickens
A clutch or chattering of chicks
A bed of clams
A quiver of cobras
A rag of colts
A cover of coots
A kine of cows (twelve cows are a flink)
A band of coyote
A sedge or siege of cranes
A float of crocodiles
A murder of crows
A litter of cubs
A herd of curlews
A cowardice of curs
A herd of deer
A pack of dogs
A dule of doves
A brace, paddling or team of ducks
A clutch of eggs
A herd of elephants
A pod of elephant seals
A weaner pod is yearling elephant seals
A gang of elks
A mob of emus
A business or fesnyng of ferrets
A charm of finches
A school, shoal, run, haul, catch or draught of fish
A swarm of flies
A skulk or leash of foxes
An army or colony of frogs
A flock, gaggle or skein (in flight) of geese
A cloud or horde of gnats
A herd, tribe or trip goats
A charm of goldfinches
A band of gorillas
A leash of greyhounds
A down or husk of hares
A cast or kettle of hawks
A brood of hens
A hedge of herons
A drift, or parcel of hogs
A team, pair or harras of horses

A pack, mute or cry of hounds
A smack of jellyfish
A troop or mob of kangaroos
A kindle or litter of kittens
An ascension or exaultation of larks
A leap (leep) of leopards
A pride of lions
A plague of locusts
A tiding of magpies
A sord of mallards
A stud of mares
A richness of martens
A labour of moles
A troop of monkeys
A barren or span of mules
A parliament of owls
A yoke, drove, team or herd of oxen
A bed of oysters
A company of parrots
A covey of partridges
A muster or ostentation of peacocks
A litter of peeps
A nest, nide (nye) or bouquet of pheasants
A flock or flight of pigeons
A litter of pigs
A wing or congregation of plovers
A string of ponies
A pod of porpoises
A covey or bevy of quail
A nest of rabbits
A pack or swarm of rats
A rhumba of rattlesnakes
An unkindness of ravens
A crash or herd of rhinos
A bevy of roebucks
A building or clamour of rooks
A herd or pod of seals
A drove or flock of sheep
A nest of snakes
A walk or wisp of snipe
A host of sparrows
A dray of squirrels
A murmuration of starlings
A mustering of storks
A flight of swallows
A bevy, herd, lamentation or wedge of swans
A flock of swifts
A sounder or drift of swine
A spring of teal
A knot of toads
A hover of trout
A rafter of turkeys
A pitying or dule of turtledoves
A bale of turtles
A pod of walrus
A school, gam or pod of whales
A nest of vipers
A pack or route of wolves
A fall of woodcocks
A descent of woodpeckers

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